Part 1

The Scream, by Edvard Munch

Still here at the ‘frontline’ of nothing. Still un-jabbed, unmasked, and more likely to be killed by jabs, State covid policy and State persecution than a putative coronavirus. Still alive. Still thriving. Physically, and spiritually, if not entirely psychologically. Still fearless of everything but people’s blind obedience to a State policy of catastrophising.

Reality-Enforcement through Policy Trauma

Hypervigilance, avoidance, flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, depression, loss, denial, anger, guilt, grief. Just as being physically unwell should not be thought the norm, so these are not normal, chronic states of mind. Yet this societal psychological (and physical) dysfunction is being normalised by our States. The prevalence of these symptoms of psychological trauma sky-rocketed during the tyranny of covid. A significant proportion of a generation of children no longer attend school due to severe neuroses generated by covid policy.

COVID-19 is far more bureaucratic policy than disease. Covid damage is due to policy. The covid grim-reaper’s respect of national bureaucratic, statistical and political borders indicates this. The consequent trauma runs deeper than a World War, but in covid there is no closure, no reasonable explanation, no identifiable enemy, no day of reckoning. Merely an unjustifiable and traumatic move, in concert, by States, to fundamentally change the meaning and function of all things.

In late 2019, plans for the world’s largest cosplay event were finalised, rehearsed, and then activated through a lock-stepped global, undemocratic policy cascade determined by corporate and private bodies using the same phrases and ploys. It was an awesome, mafia-style implementation of their convenient truth. We were psychologically reframed and transformed by orchestrated, internationally-ratified word sorcery: covidiot, stay-safe, the new normal, build back better, the rule of six, eat out to help out, own nothing and be happy. MAINTAIN SOCIAL DISTANCE! was the ultimate expression of ancient Statecraft’s divide-and-rule policy. It is a global assault on individuality.

Function, from the individual to the State level, and everything in-between has been traumatised, transformed and subsumed. Individuals and States cede humanity and sovereignty. The private, self-elected WHO supranationalists take all. How such an unelected, illegitimate supranational, private government exists is coming under increasing scrutiny. One legal campaign lays out its thesis here.

The expression of words defamatory to government policy, even when correct, and when said or done in one’s professional opinion are no longer defensible. To professionally challenge the disinformation of government is misinformation, hate speech, and unprofessional. The punishment for stating fact, professionalism and social responsibility is censorship, mockery, a denial of expression, bank account and work. It is a civil death sentence. Murderers are punished less.

A licence to kill, not save

Never, before covid, did I believe being a State-registered and regulated physician would be a licence to peddle State delusions, death and government lies. Never would I have believed regulation would be an albatross preventing professional truth. But, this is the truth. The last four years have been professionally difficult, for reasons comprehensively chronicled and documented. The professional regulator’s priority function is for stamping out deviance from the State narrative, and the relegation of medical ethics to preserve State control, not primarily for preservation of good medical practice.

Professional Trauma – A Hippocratic Physician in a hypocritical world

The medical profession has let the pharmaceutical fascists murder Hippocrates, and with him the profession. How does one so maladapted cope within a State system where there is no real medical alternative to The Policy, such as in the UK? Some have no need to cope, they believe the State. They believe in the State. Within the NHS, some leave, some fall ill, some are excommunicated, some lapse into denial, deceit and complicity. Some naïvely speak out, believing all that has to be done is to point out an innocent mistake of State policy to a benign, paternal government, and it will be corrected. It does not work like that. They find out. They are hounded out of house, home and profession. They are confused, and un-parented. At first, all they can do is continue to scream, professionally unheeded, and expunged. Some become pawns in politics, in a settlement to accept the damage done was wrong, but to preserve the entrenched system of lies.

Some realise this, and wonder wider: Change The System. Is this the ultimate naïvety? System change begets System. Some dream bigger: Smash The System! Is that realistic? Perhaps, the general population consciousness needs to change. Having had experience of these dynamics, I subconsciously chose a solo guerrilla campaign to meaningfully win hearts and minds, and imperceptibly swing the pendulum of consciousness. Trench warfare, small wins, seeding counter-propaganda and gently finding and supporting like-minded patients. There are no obvious kindred-spirited colleagues. The propaganda machine isolates, and foments professional paranoia. No one dares come out to another within the system. It would be suicidal. I have had one almost frank conversation with a work colleague in four years, and a handful of oblique, almost meaningless attempts to meet minds with others.

At the end of my professional Vietnam, there is a vague sense of being forever-changed, and traumatised by the system. It is hard to put a finger on it. There are feelings of surrealness, sadness, betrayal and disappointment. Of disbelief, violation, and not-belonging. It is hard to justify remaining present in it, apart from to help individual patients navigate an increasingly dysfunctional and dangerous NHS. Inevitably, there will be further assaults on medical ethics, and more tours of duty. There is no real let-up in the tyranny, only a System-pause to implement a web of control through misinformation and resource-dependency before the population may coalesce into a resistant and sentient collective consciousness.

Individual Trauma

Survivor’s guilt

There is survivor’s guilt. How come my better, braver, nobler colleagues cannot find work to make ends meet? It is not fair. I must believe some of these will thrive in some other way once they accept, like me, they have been transformed. Why should I let the system deny my fellow person a half-decent doctor? That would leave only the automatons my patients truly fear. Be true to oneself, and the whole world will change. It does not necessarily entail becoming an online persona or martyrdom. The collective Resistance has always been more than this. If enough believe and act like something is morally reprehensible, it becomes that. We have fought hard for the right to say spuriouslypretexted, fraudulent, misrepresented, dangerous, unnecessary and enforced genetically-modifying death toxin, but finally it has become a thing, if not yet a safe space.

Reboot from Within

In retrospect, for me, there has been a subconscious decision to navigate away from the NHS, but continue to practice Hippocratean medicine. I have been managing the unease by distancing and strategising. Distance geographically in rôle and in specialty. I have begun a process of retraining, re-skilling and redefinition. Of survival. A dead warrior is no warrior. A former or dead anonymous doctor of scribbles cannot even be martyred. The struggle is long, and has to be fought from within to succeed. By changing and saving hearts and minds. Let us openly state one audacious goal: infiltrate and explode the WHO from within. A long march on the institution at the heart of the profession’s cancer. Let us be aneurysmal to it. It is not entirely futile to try and survive within the system.

The function of everything, particularly in a systematised and bar-coded West: medicine, politics, law, and more seems to have been subsumed into the beast of a corrupted Big State for the sake of The State. A State for the sake of individuals, and individual agency has ceased to exist in the democratic West. Western Democracy is a political paradigm no longer seeming to work for honest, moral people. Everything about it is predicated on lies and division. The only remaining professional class is the politician: their truth is to be obeyed or one’s means to exist denied. All other professions have become politicians’ tools through regulatory commandeering and a reduction to rhetoric.

Over four years’ professional work, in multiple British general practices and international charities in Asia and Africa, my professional experience is uniformly corroborated by that of frank, international, transcontinental colleagues: no new, serious pandemic of infection. No death bug with a propensity to attack poor, coloured peoples. Only a catastrophic destruction of ethical norms, a policy and experimental gene therapy-driven mountain of death and disease, and an, “Oh why did I get that damn jab?” It makes no sense for me to believe individuals in the media or the government: they know nothing and say anything.

Coming Up for Air

There has been a longing for liberty, freedom of conscience, professional autonomy, freedom to take one’s own risks with one’s own life. I have worked in basic dictatorships where counter-revolutionaries are served drone-barbecued, but where it is still morally reprehensible to medically assault somebody, where it is still a nonsense to micromanage an individual’s every thought. I have felt happier there. I have, perversely, felt freer and safer working in an active earthquake zone and on a foreign, high altitude mountain without water, infrastructure and medical supplies than in the sophisticated perfidy of home.

It has always seemed odd that many agencies purported to be existential threats to the West cause coups in States posing a resistance to Western neocolonialism. There is at least a naïve transparency about unsophisticated States such as these. They are not pretending, and they are not trying to unsettle other States. They want the chance to be stable, self-sufficient, and self-expressed. They want an end to the barely-veiled exsanguination of wealth from within to without. I have noted in lands never colonised, the people appear more authentic, less effected, more morally-assured. Their States are unable to act as if morality is the wrong position for their subjects to adopt.

I have been quietly re-booting my medical career in a shattered and corrupt global system. The beautiful irony is here, if not in the West, one may remain human. Here, Hippocrates is not an anachronism. One may still practice professional medical autonomy and ethics working in remote, ravaged locations, developing and delivering simple medical systems and interventions to really save lives and improve health. Save a dehydrated child, a mother and newborn in childbirth, or a young adult with septic shock. Lives full of moral potential instantly and palpably saved.

None of it promotes or needs complex unquantified toxins capable of doing massive harm. Toxins easily capable of causing death seconds, minutes, days, weeks, months, and years after repetitive administration. Toxins also easily capable of being denied by a domineering State as causative of harm. These are our lives, viewed only for their usefulness in serving the system and the stock market. Anyone dispensable to the system is not worth preserving.

I have been invited to work as a volunteer in Ukraine, Moldova and in a chaotic migration centre on Lesbos. For someone with a scent for adventure, these should appeal, but I have grown tired of sustaining and serving globalist narratives. I would rather help needy nations of needy people who do not want to run away from their countries. Rather help them live better at home, independently and more healthily, but not assist organisations who thrive on disseminating and buttressing the easily soluble chaos created by a globalist system of profiteering and pseudo-culture. This system perversion means good ideas learned in the West, but no longer valued there, must be dreamt out in the East.

Collective Community Trauma

In an associate’s town where he is a senior, charitable member of the community there lies the State’s Gestapo. He has created and runs a charity. His clients are the archetypal, disempowered fodder for the State-NHS machine. One client continues to insist on wearing the same filthy and germ-ridden, four-year old N95 respirator. In covid, the State attempted to co-opt such charities to promote and propagate their covid and vaccine terror hardest amongst the most vulnerable. With this move it further enriched already-empowered, rich people. What he discloses is shocking but now normal.

There was a Council sponsored grave diggers’ initiative with the propaganda slogan: GET THE VACCINE OR MEET US!


There was another grave-digger special, but this time sponsored by the local Professor of epidemiology, and his ‘friend’, a local religious leader whose company was said to have received a commission to deliver ‘Covid communications’. It is a sad reflection of human nature that leaders of a jab-targeted local community would squabble over funding for unethical, experimental & dangerous interventions upon themselves.

The article exhorted, Covid! Obey! There is no more space in the cemetery! The newspaper piece was anecdotal propaganda repeated by the BBC, ending with the learned article professing one month prior to the modified mRNA jabs’ rapid release: ‘Prof Wright added that the coronavirus vaccine “cannot come soon enough”.’ It is odd that such concerned pieces with such experts are not written and propagated when there continues to be a real rise in excess mortality in recent years.

The local authority militia swooped in upon another organisation: One of you is not vaxxed? Who? Why? Where? They were never told. They probed and pried, asking for the nature of community conspiracy theories and hesitancies about the covid jab amongst the staff and clients. In particular, those in the SE Asian community client groups.

FIVE TIMES the NHS sought unsolicited telephone contact with a sane, intelligent, immunocompetent stalwart of a community. It offered psychological reprogramming to help sweeten inoculation with the toxic jab.

In another locality, one State-sponsored local initiative wrote offering £500 Covid Grants-for-community-espionage:

“I would like to discuss a micro-grants scheme we can give you access to. These are up to £500 and the activities being funded must be directly related to COVID-19 either:

1) because they aim to prevent the spread of the virus, particularly by educating about how to prevent infections and the test and trace system or taking practical actions to prevent infections, or

2) funding can support groups to gather and report community intelligence and insights about COVID-19.

Insight and intelligence will inform how communications with communities should be tailored. It will also tell us more about people who are finding it difficult to cope living with COVID-19, and the reasons why.

Funding can also be used to purchase ‘capital items’, i.e. tangible objects such as leaflets, display stands, other types of equipment etc, so long as this will be directly related to preventing the spread of COVID-19 or gathering insights and intelligence.”

So much public time and money was spent gaslighting and marauding our communities for jab victims whilst the official, gathering MHRA and ONS insights and intelligence on jab damage were studiously ignored, and patients were denied access to healthcare. Our fellows continue living out and re-imposing these traumas caused by such policies.

Similar articles and projects were permeated globally. This was systematic fear-mongering designed to demand obedience with measures that were not helping them, never before implemented, nor ever proven to help them survive. Now, self-proven to harm. Experimental, arbitrary policies which replaced life-saving care with life-ending care. If they were dying more at that point (I contend, due only to policy-modulation of the unexceptional 2020 overall annual death rate) they could not die less in response to a newspaper article. They could, however, have died less if they had access to and were not discouraged from accessing healthcare, whilst being denied liberty, family, happiness and employ.

Nation State Trauma

It is of some reassurance that our State still feels it necessary to go through the pretence of goodness. It is of no comfort that all my and my colleagues’ public, unheeded but obvious warnings are, as time passes, borne out. The only thing continuing to sustain the narrative is a continuous midazolam and morphine infusion of Official Denial. Anodyne, anaesthetic, and deadly.

UK Covid Inquiry PTSD: Post traumatic State Disinformation

A further sad facet of abuse and PTSD for survivors is the re-traumatisation, and the re-living of past trauma through repeated, forced reliving of triggers, and restatements of past abuse. Hence, it was difficult to even glance at Johnson, Whitty, Cummings, et al. The conclusion the inquiry is heading to is obvious: necessary, safe and effective, and next time with faster, more draconian lockdowns. It is like an inquiry into Epstein or Saville concluding: conceal them better and supply more children, more quickly. The government concludes it did not democide us hard or fast enough.

This is the inevitable abusive conclusion about the abuse by our abusers, and our democratically elected prison guards. A faux conclusion assisted by the presence of hundreds of expensive and legal counsel paid by our taxation. A dripping roast carved from a larger dripping roast by and for a ruling class of cannibals.

The Inquiry confirms that, for the State, there is an unofficial, official unassailable evidential standard. Where criminals are convicted when proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt, governments and state-indemnified corporations operate untouchably when proven guilty beyond reasonable doubt, but within the State’s realm of implausible deniability and Policy. The UK State’s long position of permanence and power renders denial and fiction fact, and fact fiction. The Inquiry conclusively proves a State turd can be finely polished to perfection.

This State ritual of lie compaction reminded me of the then Prime Minister’s sister, Rachel Johnson. She reached out to me with a tweet on 26th November 2020. Something about what an anonymous nothing had written seemed unusually important to this clan of the system. How covid can cut both ways for this privileged sort who define our pain is troublesome. What does she really think, feel and know?

Global Trauma

Whole nations, and peoples continue to suffer the transformative trauma etched into their cultures by historic imperial and colonial policy. Globalist covid policy cuts even deeper.

This winter, the good news is the covid narrative is collapsed as a consensual idea. The bad news is the political class will never allow it to. This means our continuing misery. Statesmanship has plummeted commensurate to the State’s loss of grip on the narrative. Benevolent and moral State facades have become a thing of a by-gone age. Visible, thinly-disguised menace replaces it.

At least, for the time being, failures of war in Ukraine and approaching US-UK elections means the EU-NATO alliance cannot afford to push the weaponised pandemic narrative. So it has sought another geopolitical strategic move. Damage limitation and distraction by moving for the kill in Palestine. If dripping blood in Palestine spreads globally as did the curated lie from a wet market in Wuhan, so much the better. Losing hegemony? Just flip the script. It happened in 2001 and 2020, it happens 2024. Cycles of organised, democratic chaos. Such is the flexibility and diversity of the Killing-for-Profit model of control.

We westerners are suffering, relatively, for this killing policy. Our compliance and our vote has hitherto been bought in the 20th & 21st centuries with the wealth created by blood and oil spilled in the Middle-East, the Wild-West and the Orient. That tack no longer suffices. The protection racket built on an overstretched petrodollar is failing. Decentralised cryptos, gold-backeds and petroyuans are looming. Hence, compliance is demanded through state terror and fear. Fear of an invisible existential threat, fear of a multipolar, diverse world. Compliance through meta-fear: a social fear of not complying with the fear.

Soon State machinery will not even care to provide entertainment to distract from and conceal the multiple layering of tyranny by CBDCs and surveillance smart ghettoes. The only distraction will be fearful, endless conflict. It seems to suffice. If the US decides to avoid escalation to WW3, Russia inevitably crushes Ukraine, and by extension the will of EU-NATO. After which, the West may not only have to face up to moral and spiritual decline, but also material decline. This means hope for a return to Western individualism, and hopefully an end to American exceptionalism, for, poverty after murderous decadence could be a sobering and cathartic affair.


Individuals, families, children, communities, professions, economies, and nations have been traumatised by cascaded global covid policies of nonsense percolated to humour a few and terrify the many. Internecine rifts have been riven between us. These multidimensional fault-lines fester, and might never heal in our lifetimes because community truth-telling has been politicised and censored; and because othering, cancelling and undoing is the normalised reaction to reasonable, individual thought-difference.

There is evident a neo-colonial and globalist policy of population trauma to achieve elite-sociopath agendas through physical, psychological, and pharmaceutical abuse. The abuse is multilevel and full-spectrum. It is so endemic, it has become inter-generational and inter-national in transmission. Trauma begets trauma: just read some of the 10K+ public comments below this video, it is superior to any UK Covid Inquiry, and proves the State we elect and pay believes it is there to redefine our experience of reality, and of our trauma.

Perhaps, the only positive way to deal with massive external or internal trauma is to change, not in reaction to, but in response to it. A controlled transformation with the intention not only to survive, but to surmount and succeed. To not succumb, but to reassert, whilst preserving oneself, one’s ways, and one’s mores.

It seems unreal to even think like this. It should have been a life of privilege, respect and status; not one of a fugitive in one’s country, from peers, community and profession. A pariah by dint of decency. Now is the time to make an individual stand. A quiet, firm counter-revolutionary, transformational move in a small space occupied by others. Make a small, firm personal, professional and individual contribution to counter and nullify the divisive cultural propaganda of the State.

31st January 2024

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Terms and conditions apply. The Covid Physician is no longer legally able to self-represent or self-identify as (still) an unheroic (NHS) medical doctor, as prescribed by law. Hence, please consider all current, past and future essays as parody, political commentary or as works of literary art by a non-medical non-doctor. This article is an artistic expression and personal view of life, should not be taken on trust, and certainly does not purport to necessarily represent the views of the medical profession or the NHS. Any patient details have been anonymised.

Dr. TCP tweets at @tcp_dr, Blogs here & Substacks here.

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3 thoughts on “THE TRAUMA OF IMPERIAL COVID POLICY – Fifty Shades of Covid Tyranny”

  1. When your email arrives, amongst many others, it is the first thing I read. Your musings on current events chime with my own and leave me somewhat bereft but I give thanks for your writing, your voice. I no longer know the world I thought I inhabited and that is taking quite some time to come to terms with, not that I have yet. It’s a journey and I don’t know the destination. All I can say is that I am glad it has begun and that I’m able to walk the path with my eyes wide open. It gives me some hope that there are many others out there who are doing the same. Thankyou!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Profound and brilliant writing. Why you don’t have readers in the tens of thousands, I have no idea.

    I have gone through similar torture in my own field. As a practitioner of statistics in a commercial (non-pharma!) setting, I have despaired at the silence of academic and mainstream statisticians (with honourable exceptions such as Fenton, Neil, Briggs) and their passive complicity in the promotion of the entirely false claims made at the outset concerning the efficacy of this jab.

    Your final paragraph is one of the saddest yet most inspiring I have ever read. Probably because this is happening in real life, not fiction. I too am making the stand you talk of.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. This one of the best summaries of the scam perforated by these evil POS scum.

    That I have ever read, thank you , this should be on the front of ever main stream paper around the world. Thanks Again, we will win this war, Best Regards Bob

    Liked by 1 person

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